Onderstaand bericht is gepubliceerd op de website van: BBC World Service, 6-5-2003      

Unilever to discuss child labour

The Anglo-Dutch food making company, Unilever has agreed to meet labour watchdog organisations over the issue of child labour in India.

The announcement came in response to a report published by the India Committee of the Netherlands, which said about 90% of all labour in the Indian cotton seed market was done by 450,000 children.

They say that Unilever buys raw materials trom farmers who employ children working in hazardous conditions tor up to 13 hours a day.

A spokeswoman, Alexandra Middendorp of Unilever says that the company is ready to meet the organisations but it does not accept direct responsibility tor the employment of children, although it says it will try to find a solution.

From the newsroom of the BBC World Service


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